Muhammad Tayyab

Full-Stack Developer
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Favorite Quote

"Future Belongs to those who believe in the beauty of dream" - ELEANOR ROOSEVELT

What I do at Forenax Technologies?

My dream is to promote Forenax Technologies to top 5 world companies and I hope we will achieve it soon with hard work.

Life at Forenax Technologies

HOPE is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all. The main beauty of Forenax Technologies is all team is like a family and never hesitate to discuss any topic and I love this environment.

My Senior Sohaib Ahsan (Founder) is like my elder brother who helps me in every hurdle in every aspect of life and I am very inspired by his Idea of SMIELS which is the basic need of every B2B business.

My story

I have completed my Graduation from GCUF in 2021 during my graduation, I learnt many modern programming languages and frameworks. After completing my graduation, I joined Forenax Technology now I feel it is heaven for me on the earth.

What I do in free time?

In my free time, I enjoy socializing and learning more about technology, and getting more knowledge about ISLAM.

Best regards,

Muhammad Tayyab

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